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This is CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation.
What is LISP?
LISP is a programming language. It was invented by J. McCarthy in 1959.
There have been many dialects of it, but nowadays LISP has been standardized
and wide-spread due to the industrial standard COMMON LISP. There are
applications in the domains of symbolic knowledge processing (AI), numerical
mathematics (MACLISP yielded numerical code as good as FORTRAN), and
widely used programs like editors (EMACS) and CAD (AUTOCAD).
There is an introduction to the language:
Sheila Hughes: Lisp. Pitman Publishing Limited, London 1986.
107 pages.
After a while wou will need the standard text containing the language
Guy L. Steele Jr.: Common Lisp - The Language. Digital Press.
1. edition 1984, 465 pages.
2. edition 1990, 1032 pages.
LISP is run in an interactive environment. You input forms, and they will be
evaluated at once. Thus you can inspect variables, call functions with given
arguments or define your own functions.
It consists of the following files:
lisp.run main program
lispinit.mem memory image needed for startup
clisp.1 manual page in Unix man format
clisp.man manual page
impnotes.txt implementation notes
README this text
SUMMARY short description of CLISP
ANNOUNCE announcement
COPYRIGHT copyright notice
GNU-GPL free software license
config.lsp site-dependent configuration
and - to your convenience, if you like reading source -
*.lsp the source of lispinit.mem
*.fas the same files, already compiled
Hardware requirements:
There are two versions of CLISP for the Amiga, both require at least 1.5MB RAM.
The *-low version runs on Amigas with no memory outside the 24 bit addressable
space (68000, A2620 & A2630). The *-high Version can address memory upto
address 0x0FFFFFFF and has been compiled for 68020 (or better) processors. It
runs on an A3000 or A4000.
Edit the contents of config.lsp appropriately for your site,
especially the definitions of short-site-name and long-site-name.
You may also want to edit the time zone definition in defs1.lsp.
Then start
lisp.run -M lispinit.mem
When the LISP prompt
> _
appears, type
(compile-file "config")
(load "config")
and - in case you modified defs1.lsp -
(compile-file "defs1")
(load "defs1")
and then
to overwrite the file lispinit.mem with your configuration. Then
Then create a directory, and put the executable and the memory image there.
You can start CLISP from Workbench(tm). The following Tooltypes are
recognized in the Tool Icon:
WINDOW=<window or pipe specification>
ARGS=<CLI-like arguments>
For example,
ARGS=-M lispinit.mem
When you encounter problems:
After errors, you are in the debugger:
1. Break> _
You can evaluate forms, as usual. Furthermore:
calles help
Abort or
climbs up to next higher input loop
shows the contents of the stack, helpful for debugging
And you can look at the values of the variables of the functions where the
error occurred.
On bigger problems, e.g. "guru"s, please send a description of the error
and how to produce it reliably to the authors.
Mailing List:
There is a mailing list for users of CLISP. It is the proper forum for
questions about CLISP, installation problems, bug reports, application
packages etc.
For information about the list and how to subscribe it, send mail to
listserv@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de, with the two lines
information clisp-list
in the message body.
We are indebted to
* Guy L. Steele and many others for the Common Lisp specification.
* Richard Stallman's GNU project for GCC.
Bruno Haible Michael Stoll
Augartenstraße 40 Gallierweg 39
D - W 7500 Karlsruhe 1 D - W 5300 Bonn 1
Germany Germany
Email: haible@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de
Amiga Port by:
Jörg Höhle
Radolfzeller Straße 3
D - W 7753 Allensbach
Email: hoehle@inf-wiss.ivp.uni-konstanz.de